Barbado da Terceira

Multidrug Sensitivity (MDR1)

Multidrug Sensitivity is caused by a deletion in the ABCB1 gene, also known as the multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene, and is characterized by neurotoxicity following the use of certain common drugs. Dogs with two copies of MDR1 will exhibit multidrug sensitivity. Some dogs with 1 copy of MDR1 may also exhibit multidrug sensitivity.

Chondrodystrophy (CDDY and IVDD) and Chondrodysplasia (CDPA)

Chondrodysplasia is a short-legged phenotype characteristic of many dog breeds. Chondrodystrophy, a separate mutation, also includes a short-legged phenotype as well as premature disc degeneration and increased susceptibility to disc herniation.

Von Willebrand Disease I (vWD Type 1)

Von Willebrand disease I (vWD Type 1), an inherited bleeding disorder, results from a lack or reduced level of a normal blood clotting protein and is characterized by spontaneous hemorrhaging and prolonged bleeding after physical trauma.