Operation Recalibration: Temporary Testing Pause July 5-9
Operation Recalibration
VGL to pause non-emergency testing for brief window in early July to service equipment and give staff some needed downtime
The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory will briefly pause most genetic testing for a week in July as part of an initiative to address deferred equipment maintenance and to give staff a chance to rest and recuperate from an unusually demanding year.
The VGL has remained open and operational throughout the COVID-19 pandemic but has been working under reduced on-site operations for over a year. The rising demand for animal genetic testing during the pandemic coupled with the VGL’s limited on-site staffing has meant that both our staff and equipment have been working overtime to continue to provide clients with accurate genetic testing results they can trust. We are proud of our staff’s hard work and dedication, and the VGL’s administrative team has recognized the need for a “breather” for staff and equipment so that both can rest, recalibrate, and receive some much-need maintenance – be it hardware updates or some personal self-care.
This temporary pause in non-critical testing, which we have dubbed "Operation Recalibration", will take place the week of the Fourth of July. Details can be found below.
Operation Recalibration Timeline
Testing pause: July 5 - July 9, 2021
Full testing resumes July 12
The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory will close as usual on Monday, July 5th for the university’s Fourth of July holiday. Following the holiday, testing will continue to be paused July 6-9th. It is possible to order testing that week, but please expect that samples received during this period will not be processed until on or after July 12th. Additionally, results from case work received the week of June 28th may also be delayed due to the recalibration.