Charcoal Pattern in Bengals

Quick Summary

Charcoal Bengals sport an unusual coat marking of a darker face mask and dark thick dorsal stripe ("cape"). This “charcoal” pattern is produced by the combination of a domestic cat non-agouti variant and an Asian Leopard Cat agouti variant.

Charcoal Bengal Kitten
Bengal kitten without the charcoal pattern (left); Bengal kitten with the charcoal pattern (right)

Click here for Price and Turnaround Time

Phenotype: Charcoal Bengals sport an unusual coat marking of a darker face mask and dark thick dorsal stripe ("cape"). The markings on these cats are darker and more extended than those seen on non-charcoal Bengals.

Mode of Inheritance: Not yet fully understood; APb variant appears to not be fully dominant over a variant


A = Agouti variant (Domestic Cat)

A2 = Agouti variant (Bengal and Savannah cat)

APb = Agouti variant (Asian Leopard Cat)

ALs = Agouti variant (Serval and Savannah cat)

Ajc = Agouti variant (Jungle Cat and Chausie)

a = Non-agouti variant (Domestic Cat)

Breeds appropriate for testing: Bengal

Explanation of Results:

  • Cats with APb/a genotype are expected to have charcoal patterning and can produce charcoal offspring depending on the genetics of the mate.
  • Cats with the following genotypes are not expected to have charcoal patterning, but they have a copy (or copies) of the Asian Leopard Cat agouti variant and can produce charcoal offspring depending on the genetics of the mate (mate must have non-agouti variant a in order to produce charcoal offspring):
    • APb/ A
    • APb/ A2
    • APb/APb
    • APb/ ALs
    • APb/ Ajc
  • Cats with the following genotypes are not expected to have charcoal patterning, but they have a copy (or copies) of the Domestic Cat non-agouti variant and can produce charcoal offspring depending on the genetics of the mate (mate must have Asian Leopard Cat agouti variant APb in order to produce charcoal offspring):
    • A2/a
    • ALs/a
    • Ajc/a
    • A/a
    • a/a
  • Cats with the following genotypes are not expected to have charcoal patterning, have no copies of the Asian Leopard Cat agouti variant, and cannot produce charcoal offspring:
    • A/A
    • A/A2
    • A2/A2
    • ALs/A
    • ALs/A2
    • ALs/ ALs
    • ALs/ Ajc
    • Ajc/A
    • Ajc/A2
    • Ajc/Ajc

Turnaround Time
At least 15 business days; may be delayed beyond 15 business days if sample requires additional testing, or a new sample is requested.

$44 one test per animal

Sample Collection:

Cat DNA tests are carried out using cells collected from your cat's cheeks and gums using household cotton swabs.

The cat DNA submission form with instructions and a place to tape the cotton swabs is sent to you via email after you place an order, and can be printed from your home computer. Test kits are not mailed.

Step-By-Step Instructions:


Person looking at different brands of cotton swabs in a storePurchase regular household cotton swabs for cat DNA collection (the cotton swabs can be purchased at a pharmacy or drug store)



Label indicating both ends of the two cotton swabsUse both ends of the two cotton swabs for a total of four swabs.



Demonstration of swabbing the inner cheek of a cat with a cotton swabCollect the DNA sample by swabbing the cheek and gums of the cat. Wave the swab in the air for 10-15 seconds to air dry it before attaching it to the submission form. We recommend swabbing different areas of the cat's cheeks.






Cotton swabs taped to bar-coded submission form for VGLAfter swabbing the cheek and gums, tape the cotton swabs to the bar-coded submission form printed from your MyVGL account.

Additional Details

The Bengal cat breed consists of hybrid animals originally developed from crosses between the domestic cat (Felis sylvestris catus) and the Asian Leopard Cat (ALC) (Prionailurus bengalensis). Although the original intention was to replicate the exotic spotted ALC coat in domestic cats, some hybrids sport an unusual coat marking of a darker face mask and dark thick dorsal stripe (cape). This pattern has generated great interest among Bengal enthusiasts. Terra Sinclair, a Bengal Cat breeder, postulated from breeding outcomes that the “charcoal” pattern was produced by the combination of a domestic cat non-agouti allele (a) and an ALC agouti allele (APb), thus conferring the darker markings on their coat pattern. Research by Drs. Liza Gershony and Leslie Lyons has confirmed this mode of inheritance of the pattern.

Testing for the alleles associated with charcoal patterning helps breeders/owners determine the Charcoal status and breeding potential of their cats.