GM2 Gangliosidosis in Burmese

Quick Summary

GM2 gangliosidosis is a degenerative, fatal neurological disease characterized by severe muscle tremors and loss of motor control.

Click here for Price and Turnaround Time

Phenotype: GM2 gangliosidosis is characterized by severe muscle tremors and loss of motor control. The inherited condition in affected kittens is first observed at 6-8 weeks of age beginning with mild tremors and leading to difficulty eating and lack of coordination.

Mode of Inheritance: Autosomal recessive

Alleles: = Normal/Unaffected, GM2 = GM2 gangliosidosis

Breeds appropriate for testing: Burmese, European Burmese

Explanation of Results:

  • Cats with N/N genoytpe will not have Burmese GM2 gangliosidosis and cannot transmit this GM2 gangliosidosis variant to their offspring.
  • Cats with N/GM2 genotype will not have Burmese GM2 gangliosidosis, but are carriers. They will transmit this GM2 gangliosidosis variant to 50% of their offspring. Matings between two carriers are predicted to produce 25% Burmese GM2 gangliosidosis-affected kittens.
  • Cats with GM2/GM2 genotype will have Burmese GM2 gangliosidosis, a progressive neurological condition.

Turnaround Time
At least 15 business days; may be delayed beyond 15 business days if sample requires additional testing, or a new sample is requested.

$44 one test per individual animal

Also available as part of the following packages:

$66 this test + one test from list below
$88 this test + two tests from list below
$110 this test + all tests from list below

Sample Collection:

Cat DNA tests are carried out using cells collected from your cat's cheeks and gums using household cotton swabs.

The cat DNA submission form with instructions and a place to tape the cotton swabs is sent to you via email after you place an order, and can be printed from your home computer. Test kits are not mailed.

Step-By-Step Instructions:


Person looking at different brands of cotton swabs in a storePurchase regular household cotton swabs for cat DNA collection (the cotton swabs can be purchased at a pharmacy or drug store)



Label indicating both ends of the two cotton swabsUse both ends of the two cotton swabs for a total of four swabs.



Demonstration of swabbing the inner cheek of a cat with a cotton swabCollect the DNA sample by swabbing the cheek and gums of the cat. Wave the swab in the air for 10-15 seconds to air dry it before attaching it to the submission form. We recommend swabbing different areas of the cat's cheeks.






Cotton swabs taped to bar-coded submission form for VGLAfter swabbing the cheek and gums, tape the cotton swabs to the bar-coded submission form printed from your MyVGL account.

Additional Details

GM2 gangliosidosis is a degenerative, fatal neurological disease characterized by severe muscle tremors and loss of motor control. In Burmese cats, the disease is caused by a mutation that perturbs a neuron's ability to remove metabolic waste products from the cell. The accumulation of waste products results in permanent damage. The inherited condition in affected kittens is first observed at 6-8 weeks of age beginning with mild tremors and leading to difficulty eating and lack of coordination. Symptoms are more evident when the kitten has movement with intent as opposed to tremors at rest. Owners may elect for humane euthanasia as the disease is progressive, often culminating in an inability to walk or eat.

GM2 gangliosidosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder and is caused by a 15 base pair deletion in the HEXB gene (chrA1:1415771029del15) which results in aberrant splicing and the production of a non-functional protein. This mutation has been detected in European Burmese cats in at least five countries, including the United States. At the time of publishing, researchers found the carrier frequency for GM2 gangliosidosis to be 14.5% among tested Burmese cats.


Note: This test is specific for the 15 base pair deletion of HEXB found in Burmese cats and will not detect other HEXB mutations known to exist in other breeds of cats.