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Alpha-S1 Casein

The gene underlying the production of alpha-s1 casein in goat's milk shows polymorphisms which affect the amount of protein and fat produced. This test detects variants known to be correlated with high and low production levels of alpha-s1 casein.


A freemartin is defined as a female that is born as a twin with a male and is sterile as a result of exposure to masculinizing hormones.

G6-Sulfatase Deficiency (G6-S MPSIIID)

G6-Sulfatase deficiency is an inherited autosomal recessive metabolic defect that occurs in Nubian goats and related crosses. Affected goats exhibit delayed motor development, growth retardation, and early death.

Goat Scrapie Susceptibility

Scrapie is a fatal, infectious neurodegenerative prion disease that affects sheep and goats. Natural mutations in the prion protein gene of sheep and goats have been identified which confer susceptibility or resistance to scrapie.

Parentage/Genetic Marker Report

This DNA-based parentage test uses microsatellite marker analysis to compare the DNA profile of an offspring to the profiles of possible parents.